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the world-cultural-shock in 2025
  • Das Weltkulturerbe

  • The World-Cultural-Heritage

  • the world-cultural-shock

Das Weltkulturerbe​

The World-Cultural-Heritage

Earthquake and more


Das Weltkulturerbe/  The World-Cultural-HeritaGE   

Ursula Sabisch, Empress, Rübenkoppel 1, 23564 Lübeck, Germany

To the 

Institute for Peace Investigation and Safety Politics

On the University Hamburg, IFSH 

Falkenstein 1

22587 Hamburg

Luebeck, 2004, February Tuesday 10th

The German-language document you may find here!

Sign of Time - An unusual Planet: Earthquake / CC

To all Universities Worldwide.


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Geophysicists,

“The geologic processes in the earth's crust and in the upper earth's mantle, which lead to mostly large-scale vibrations of the surface of the earth are called earthquake and are of natural origin. Some kinds of earthquake appearances can be traced back to great blasts (e. g. nuclear explosions from subterranean atomic tests) or by impacts of meteors.

From the natural earthquakes the collapse quakes are a result of the breakdown of the underground openings. As concomitants of volcanic outbreaks or lava movements occur the volcanic earthquakes. Concerning their effects on the human beings the tectonic quakes are the most important. In number (90% of all earthquakes) and intensity they exceed by far the importance of the remaining earthquake kinds. They may go ..........  .”

As quite clearly evidently, one knows for more than ten years that earthquakes have not always a natural origin, because subterranean nuclear tests are not  natural, however, it should quite simply not be noticed! My person has copiedand has tried to translatethis above mentioned text from the big World Atlas of the processed new edition in 1993 by Isis publishing company AG, Chur Switzerland.

If one has a look at the Internet sites to inquire about the latest earthquake series, the same theses are set up over and over again. It means over and over again, earthquakes are of natural origin! Now is slowly but surely end with your ignorance and your arrogance, now end is with both that banging around and the experiments, whether subterranean or on God`s earth!

You and others please, should immediately have a look at the Internet sites of the Institute for Peace Investigation and Safety Politics under the topic „ The Physics- Portal for Students", regarding to inform you about the entire nuclear- testing- stop- contracts to be able to come immediately closer to reasonable results and causes of earthquakes with and by your evaluations by your seismograph broads.

Please, see particularly precisely the performed subterranean nuclear tests in the period of 1945 - 1994, there from have taken since 1974

  • 815 to the account of the USA
  • 715 to the account of Soviet Union
  •  24  to the account of Great Britain
  •  18  to  the account of People's Republic of China
  • 159 to the account of France and it should have been a total of 2000 tests.

If one compares the complete data temporally with the nuclear tests to the seismic focuses with the quakes on-site, one must accuse concerning this particularly France, that it has a lot of Africans on the conscience as it can be proved. Even from the today's earthquake series, started in Japan with the strength of 8,0 on the Richter- Scale, further over Iraq to Africa you are playing with your basis knowledge and set up scientific contentions, which already do miss every basis in the today's time.

You as a geophysicis, please, get the CD Rom of the Fischer World Almanac in 2002 and then, please, let be shown you the data of the worldwide disassembly of the crude materials and of the exploitation of the earth. Please, see particularly the cubic meter data amounting to billions  and the ton data amounting to millions and do not underestimate the periods within one year.

I would like to perform some examples herewith briefly:


  • In 1998 166,089 t of gold, 689(Tsdt) = 689 000 t of copper,
  • 1 115 t of silver, 2 374 (Tsd t) = 2 374 000 t of aluminium
  • 128,769 (mil t) = 128 769 000 t mineral of oil
  • 161 bill of m3 = 161 000 mil. m3 = 161 000 000 000 m3
  • 11 773 t of uranium etc.


  • In 1998 554 t of uranium, 424 (Tsd. t) = 424 000 t of aluminium
  • 19,774 (million t) = 10 774 000 t of crude steel production

In 1997

  • (million t) = 13 424 000 t of crude iron production and so on.

Republic of Korea:

  • In 19983 558 t of lead, 10 468 t of zinc, 39,896 (million t)= 39 896 000 t of crude steel production and so on.


  • In 1998   515 (Tsd. t) = 515 000 t of copper, 115 000 t of zinc,
  • 67 (million t) = 67 000 000 t of iron ore,
  • 2 465 (Tsd. t) = t 2 465 000 t of aluminum,
  • 43,822 (million t) = 43 822 000 t of crude steel production,
  • 2 358 t of uranium, 391,015 (bill. m3) = 391 015 000 000 m3 of natural gas and so on.

Just you and people like you speak of the underground cavities in the earth's crust stratum and year after year these immense amounts are gotten of the earth from all sides. How long should it go on with these little plays? How much mass already comes from the earth by the afreshed actively been volcanoes and how long should still the earth keep itself in your opinion?

Now you and others will consider what on earth already all can be found of solid and liquid mass as for example asphalt, what quantitatively not is performed in the Fischer World Almanac, however, just these amounts and this mass have obviously changed the structure of the earth crust. If we take the expanse and the deep-built concrete- buildings according to the subterranean canalizations and if we take the steel railroad networks for an example, then remember you with your natural origin of an earthquake regarding of the earth's crust!

Now end is with the insatiable exploitation of the earth and the hardening of the earth's crust. You and people like you not even know the precise construction of the interior of the earth, however is gotten out everything that wasn't nailed down! You have more and more and always faster pumped out of the earth and have taken, what alone is  spent by this way!

Regardless of the construction of the earth, which has already become a quite sensitive planet, which must carry animals, plants, people and also already insatiable half an animals, which cannot get enough any more, the planet Earth must keep itself. You wondered, what from the earth core consists and you are came onto an iron-nickel combination. Some scientists and geophysicists want to bring out more in experience about the earth's core by nuclear tests of artificially caused waves by means of an evaluation technology. The set up thesis according to this technique is: The earth's core on the overtaking course".

Other ones want to become famous by the depth researches by means of drilling experiments. An other hypothesis, according to the World Atlas mentioned above consists the core of hydrogen and helium strong impoverished solar matter, i.e., he consists of very much under a high pressure standing hot gas. These are hypotheses and if you maybe would be accepted the possibility for a third hypothesis, then it would be given, that when the earth's core would be really drilled, not only helium separate a gas mixture combined with concentrated radioactivity would stream out and a high pressure drop would be the result.

Precisely like the human being is controlled about a centre by the heart is beating, just the earth exists absolutely also in the same way by an impulse, which manages the whole masses, the stratums and all the gases. If one sees the data of the appeared earthquakes of the last twenty years, one must complement to the natural origin of an earthquake too, that at this time the construction and prosperity and therefore the exploitation of the earth proceeded  in differently dimensions as it was the case about hundred fifty years ago.

If nowadays one considers for which are needed the highly toxic substances like lead or uranium in these dimensions, then one does not may think about, where from many the illnesses arise like the Cancer disease. One should lay you and others over the knee and should let hit the bottom, till it is green and blue! You and people like you normally have used high costs for your school visits and for the study. By the practice you have surround you with very expensive and high-quality apparatuses and want to make you a name in a high level. Your scientific executions are highly qualified, only something one is missing; the courage to the truth and the courage to let stop the consumption immediately.

If one has a closer look at the jobs of the today's time, unfortunately one clearly finds out all in all, that the most workplaces of the whole humanity will cause the environment more damage than bring benefit. Alone for the travel to work and for the way back the environment pays more for the air pollutants by exhaust fumes of oil and gasoline, than it is made by the offered worker: apart from the daily caused damages by the chimneys, rivers or sewage plants, which mainly originate from the factories, what are not to be numbered any more.

If one takes the jobs in the nuclear research and checks they out, then one must ascertain, that for example a pollutant by plutonium is already given in the southern Pacific, so that by the French government it is disallowed to any investigation commission to register the environmental damage there. At the meanwhile some nuclear nations have still come as for example Northern Korea.

The whole arms industry carries many jobs, yet, the Atomic physicists make for, that the final detonation could be released by the subterranean nuclear tests, which could be connected with an underground cavity of unnatural origin, you silly, stupid rascals, you!

Every individual of you has been corruptible; if it is by a debt pit, by the lack of jobs on the labour market, by the wish for a big name, by the wish for luxury and pleasures and by a lot others more.

Nobody, simple no one of your lines is stuck by making true and clear facts, what can be confirmed daily!

Almost everybody has only the so-called progress by consumption measured in holiday pleasures by means of acting in the head and otherwise, nothing at all reasonable any more!

You and people from your lines will now get the following commands:

Every kind of radioactive use, particularly in the area of the nuclear experiments, has to be finished immediately worldwide.

Every quantitatively too high exploitation of the earth of solid, liquid and gaseous substances must be limited very strongly and must be turned down evenly.

Every depth researches of the earth, particularly those of the earth's core, must be stopped immediately.

Every other hardening and agglutination of the earth's crust has to be rethought immediately precisely and has to be finished or rather it has to be acted accordingly.

The whole arms industry, particularly the nuclear arms evolution have to be stopped immediately worldwide.

The dismantling of uranium, lead and asphalt have to be finished immediately.

Oil and gas is allowed only according to unconditional need from the earth, what also concerns particularly the Arabian world.

The delivery of the fuels in the filling stations for a private motorcar will be stopped by a delivery ban. 

It will be had to moved on public means of transportation and on the bicycle, starting in my hometown.**

Worldwide the nuclear power stations must be turned down evenly also for safety reasons.

For the realisation of these orders the institute for peace investigation and safety politics in Hamburg is taken in the responsibility.* (any more topically)

At the same time please, teach your students, that a received study place in the first instance must be useful of the general public.

A study place is not made available to a high standard of living of the individual; but by a finished study the student should be able to save the life and survival of the humanity, he should hold a norm and should reach an adequate standard of living. For example the humanity and its culture should be protected and improved alsoby intelligence. It should not happen by highly qualified people, that the earth is endangered increasingly and is going to turnover or collapses by researches and sciences. Please, finally remember this once for a future!

Act rationally as you will work independently and do preliminary work for King Jürgen to disburden his person, because the world carries still other problems, which worldwide can be solved only by means of high tech, by people from abroad and by the Authority. The time has already run away my person, so however, nobody hardly noticed, that the humanity no more has both feet on a firmed ground, but only moves on a very thin ice for a long time!

Also the  EU Commission in Brussels are made responsible in this regard, however, the Catholic France is at the top to manages everything else in the matter.* (There is a quite valuable letter addressed to France)!


Please, do not forget, that the causal research must have the priority in every respect. Even if the course could not be found, what can nearly be excluded, even then the next step may be done. Especially defect genes have without fail one course at least. Alone in this writing you will find more than one course for defect genes. Please, let stop worldwide the experimental research of the whole cloning and also the attempts of the whole gene manipulation, within you will send your findings to your government and the WHO. 

There are much problems to find out between the manipulation within the food chain in this respect and therefore a reaction with the pollution or with different medicaments in the body, or with the mixture by an animal and a human being, or with the water, or with the atmosphere, or with the cosmetic, or with the radiate and much more.

On behalf of


___Germany ___________www.ursula-sabisch-weltkulturerbe.com